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Το embargo για τα πρώτα επίσημα impressions του Switch παρήλθε και σύσωμη η gaming κοινότητα βομβαρδίστηκε από άρθα και videos αναφορικά με το Switch, το Zelda, την οθόνη του την αυτονομία του κ.ό.κ. Τα άρθρα που διαβάσαμε και σας προτείνουμε και εσάς αλλού αποκλίνουν και αλλού συγκλίνουν. Πάμε να τα δούμε!
Ξεκινάμε με το έγκριτο Time, όπου υποδέχτηκε με διθυραμβικά σχόλια το Switch
[su_quote cite=”Time”]This, in theory, is the system I’ve wanted Nintendo to make for a very long time[/su_quote]
[su_quote cite=”Time”]Chief among them is Switch’s ability to facilitate continuous play. Drop it in its cradle (the cradle attaches to your TV with an included HDMI cable), slide the Joy-Con controls up and off the 6.2-inch touchscreen’s sides, and you can either play holding them separately in your hands, or slip them onto an included “grip” that approximates the geometric feel of a traditional gamepad. The game never ceases to function. There’s no shuffling of save files, waiting for video streams to buffer, or rebooting of operating systems. You merely shift video outputs, a process simpler (and faster) than tapping the “input” button on a TV remote.[/su_quote]
[su_quote cite=”Time”]I admire its ergonomics even more than Sony’s DualShock 4(για το Pro Controller)[/su_quote]
Συνεχίζουμε με το διαχρονικά αξιόπιστο arstechnica, όπου ομοίως έχει μια θετικότατη εικόνα για το Switch:
[su_quote cite=”arstechnica”] I’ve primarily tested the system on the Switch’s 6.2″, 720p screen as I’ve travelled for work over the past few days. The screen’s size and relatively high resolution means that elements like text, health displays, and button prompts can be both small and clearly legible. After years spent tolerating Nintendo portables with relatively low-res screens and big, pixelated graphical elements, the level of fine detail that can be held in your hands is a wonder.[/su_quote]
[su_quote cite=”arstechnica”]Despite its thin profile, the Switch feels relatively hefty in the hand and comes across as much denser than the likes of the 3DS or Vita (and especially the airy, toy-like tablet on the Wii U). The tablet itself is solidly built and doesn’t feel in danger of snapping apart under stress.[/su_quote]
[su_quote cite=”arstechnica”]Battery life so far conforms to Nintendo’s stated specs—I can get about three hours of portable Zelda play on a full battery charge, depending on the screen brightness. The included AC adapter seems to fill about 1 percent of the battery per minute (give or take) when the system is in sleep mode (that mode is very power conscious, incidentally—after eight hours in “sleep,” a fully charged battery had only drained to 98 percent).[/su_quote]
Σειρά έχει το μεγάλης απήχησης kotaku σημειώνει:
[su_quote cite=”kotaku”]It’s now early 2017 and the Switch boots quickly and changes menu screens with finger-tapping rapidity. That’s great. I’m encouraged, and they haven’t even patched the system. Could they make it even faster? Impossible!.[/su_quote]
[su_quote cite=”kotaku”]No one’s ever seen a game console like this before.[/su_quote]
Το γνωστο verge αναφέρει:
[su_quote cite=”theverge”]The tablet summons that giddy feeling I got from Apple’s original iPhone, and long before both, Nintendo’s own original Game Boy. It’s beautiful, it’s simple, and it feels a bit like magic[/su_quote]
[su_quote cite=”theverge”]The screen is bright enough to go to battle with the midday Texas sun, though it looked better in the shade. It is generously wide and tall, still smaller than an iPad, but noticeably larger than a PlayStation Vita. Sticking with that comparison, I am happy to say the dual joysticks do the best job of any mainstream portable console at delivering precision close enough to a traditional controller.[/su_quote]
[su_quote cite=”theverge”]My impression going into launch is that Nintendo has made an exceptional piece of hardware. [/su_quote]
Τελειώνουμε με το IGN όπου μας μεταφέρει τις εντυπώσεις 8 συντακτών του:
[su_quote cite=”IGN”]Initially, I was concerned about the size of the Switch and the two Joy-Con but it immediately felt comfortable. What really stood out to me was how clear Breath of the Wild looked on the Switch’s display in handheld mode. [/su_quote]
[su_quote cite=”IGN”]The Nintendo Switch might be the highest quality piece of Nintendo hardware I’ve ever had the chance to interact with[/su_quote]
[su_quote cite=”IGN”]Right from the outset, the Switch felt wonderful in my hands. It’s small, but it feels substantial, sort of like an Apple product. The screen was bright, and just big enough to entice me to play through a game like Zelda on it.[/su_quote]
Κλείνοντας ωστόσο οφείλουμε να αναφέρουμε πως υπάρχουν (σαφέστατα) και αρνητικά περιστατικά που έχουν αναφερθεί όπως η απώλεια συγχρονισμού του αριστερού JoyCon. Αναμονή μέχρι να το πιάσουμε στα χέρια μας λοιπόν, να κάνουμε και το day one update και να … λιώσουμε στο Zelda!